An Individualized Approach to Addressing Hunger
Kelly’s FreshStart program empowers clients to achieve a food secure and self-sufficient life by providing Wrap-Around Assistance: a customized match of each client’s needs to both in-house and community services, combined with coaching and case management support.
The FreshStart Program, supported by the Paso del Norte Health Foundation, is free for participants, serves more than 400 individuals each year and is a national model for providing “More Than Food” to those experiencing hunger and food insecurity.
The FreshStart Program, supported by the Paso del Norte Health Foundation, is free for participants, serves more than 400 individuals each year and is a national model for providing “More Than Food” to those experiencing hunger and food insecurity.

Membership in the FreshStart Program is open to anyone 18 years or older who is willing and motivated to move their lives from depending on food assistance to self-sufficiency.

Set and Reach Your Goals
Using a wraparound assistance model, program members work with their “coach”/case manager to develop individually tailored goals and strategies for achieving self-sufficiency.
In addition to case management, FreshStart offers a variety of programs and classes, empowering members with the skills they need address the root causes of their hunger and food insecurity.